Introducing Kim Vivian: rapid transformational  hypnotherapist


Words by: Kim Engelhardt 

Kim is a Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapist who specializes in helping people experiencing heartbreak to overcome their obstacles and become the best version of themselves so that they can have the relationship of their dreams, may it be with an ex or a brand new person. Drawing from her extensive training with celebrity therapist Marisa Peer and her own personal experience, she brings a vast knowledge and understanding about relationship patterns and how to utilize the subconscious mind to change these in your favor.

‘Everything that you experience in your life currently comes down to the beliefs you hold in your subconscious mind and the images that you make. Most of these beliefs are formed in your childhood before the age of seven, which oftentimes makes it hard to remember what these beliefs actually are and furthermore, what caused them!’ Kim has had plenty of clients over the past two years since she graduated in RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy), who confirmed this theory entirely. ‘You would be surprised how many clients come to me with an issue that plagued them enormously, and when they are in hypnosis they suddenly remember an experience that they would have never guessed to be connected to the presenting issue, nor would they have been able to recall it in their day to day life. But it is all still there, stored away in the depth of your subconscious mind, with a certain mission: To keep you alive on this planet.’ Kim will be joining ‘Moody’ to contribute her expertise and guide you towards fulfilling relationships, starting with the most important one: The relationship that you have with yourself!

If you are heartbroken on Valentine’s Day, single and without a date, or you just feel like you haven’t checked in with yourself in a while, join Kim for her group hypnosis session ‘Be Your Own Valentine’ on the 14th of Feb, which is all about self love! The session will be via zoom from 2pm until 3pm EST and will leave you feeling relaxed, empowered and full of adoration for yourself!