How We Really Feel About Vibrators...


Words by: moodymagazine

While masturbating is an easy way for me to cum, it hasn’t always been as exciting as sex with someone else. Recently, after realizing my once a week habit of masturbating coupled with messy hookups weren’t going to cut it, I knew something needed to change. 

So, I went on my mom’s Amazon Prime account and bought a vibrator. Was my mom happy about this purchase? No, not really. No offense to her, but I have my priorities, and the two second disapproval of my mother wasn’t going to get in the way of this one. 

After waiting about a week, my vibrator came in. I couldn’t contain my excitement but also felt a twinge skepticism as I weighed it in my hands. Could something so simple looking really make me feel that good? Would I actually cum and be left feeling satisfied? I was worried I’d feel stupid using one; the stereotype of a lonely, middle-aged, vibrator dependent woman loomed over my head. The stigma surrounding vibrators almost made me put it back in the box and pretend like I never got one. But, it was finals week…and I got bored. So I used it. And then I ended up using it three more times that same night.  

Needless to say, the vibrator exceeded my expectations. When purchasing it online, I skimmed over the detail that it had twenty different patterns and eight different speeds of vibrations. I didn’t think it would make that much of a difference. But that’s the thing; it did. For me, that’s where all the excitement comes from when using a vibrator. The different patterns of vibrations give sensations that are unlike anything that you can do with your fingers or a tongue. So, I think the same-old-same-old fingering routine I had was never going to fully please me, and this vibrator was the change I needed in my masturbation routine. So yes, my vibrator changed my sex life. If I’m horny? I use my vibrator. Stressed? Vibrator. Sad? Duh, vibrator. What’s even better is that there’s no risk of an accidental pregnancy, catching an STD, or thoughts of was that hour and a half I spent with a random Tinder boy worth my time? I think it’s pretty obvious that I recommend buying a vibrator if you haven’t done so already. Go do it. Right now. Even if you have to use your mom’s Amazon Prime account.