Intro to Feminism

Words by: Ruh Taylor
Graphic by: Midjourney

So, you think Andrew Tate’s got a point about power and dating, and that men’s issues are being sidelined in the name of Feminism? It seems 1⁄5 of boys in our generation believe Feminism is ‘harmful’... guyssssss!

This article is for that 20% - so if you’re one of the many, many boys (or a girly) on the right side of history, scroll on, click back, or feel free to read too. But those of you yelling men’s rights slogans - buckle up, Chad, have we got the primer for you! We’ve gathered some of the most common complaints about Feminism and we’re gonna debunk them one by one.

I know, and it’s ok.
No one can afford to live, let alone thrive.

We don’t know what we’re doing with our lives and how our future’s gonna pan out - if we even make it there.

Maybe you feel like women are somehow having their cake and eating it too because of Feminism, or that things would be solved if women weren’t competing with you for jobs and housing?

But, that’s not true.

Everything that makes your life worse affects women too. We don’t have it better than you.

(If anything, guys coming along and annoying us makes shit harder)

Our economy is actually making way more money than when women were locked at home, but it’s being dispersed to the bottom feeders (us) less and less.

Between paying to stay alive, having panic attacks about the future, and struggling to connect to other people.